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The Best Things to Grow in a Greenhouse: A Beginner's Guide

The Best Things to Grow in a Greenhouse: A Beginner's Guide

Greenhouse gardening opens up a world of possibilities for plant enthusiasts, offering a controlled environment where a diverse range of flora can thrive. In this article, we'll explore the best things to grow in a greenhouse, from vegetables and herbs to fruits and flowers. So, grab your gardening gloves and let's dive in!


Greenhouse gardening isn't just a hobby—it's a passion for many individuals who relish the opportunity to cultivate plants year-round. The controlled environment provided by a greenhouse offers numerous benefits, including protection from adverse weather conditions, pests, and diseases.

Moreover, it allows gardeners to extend the growing season and experiment with a variety of plants that might not fare well in their outdoor gardens. Join us on a journey as we explore some of the best things to grow in a greenhouse!

Deciding What to Grow

Before you start planting, it's crucial to assess several factors to ensure that your greenhouse garden thrives. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

Climate Compatibility

Greenhouses provide a controlled environment, but it's essential to choose plants that thrive in the specific climate conditions of your region. Consider factors such as temperature requirements, humidity levels, and sunlight exposure when selecting crops for your greenhouse.

Space and Size Considerations

Evaluate the size and layout of your greenhouse to determine the types and quantities of plants you can accommodate. Opt for varieties that fit well within the available space and allow for proper air circulation and growth.


Seasonal Versatility

Maximise the productivity of your greenhouse by selecting plants with staggered planting and harvesting schedules. Aim for a diverse selection of crops that offer year-round harvests to ensure a continuous supply of fresh produce.

Personal Preferences and Needs

Consider your culinary interests, dietary preferences, and gardening goals when selecting crops for your greenhouse. Choose plants that you enjoy eating or ones that fulfill specific dietary or culinary needs.

Maintenance Requirements

Assess the maintenance needs of different plant varieties, including watering, fertilising, pruning, and pest control. Select crops that align with your available time, resources, and gardening skills to ensure successful cultivation.

By carefully considering these factors when deciding on the best things to grow in your greenhouse, you can create a thriving and productive garden that meets your needs and preferences while maximising the potential of your indoor growing space.

Read on as we explore some of the best things to grow in a greenhouse house, from flavourful vegetables to fragrant herbs and vibrant flowers. Get ready to embark on a greenhouse gardening journey filled with abundance, beauty, and endless possibilities.


Welcome to the vegetable patch of our best things to grow in a greenhouse guide. In this section, we'll delve into a lush array of vibrant produce specially chosen for their thriving potential within the greenhouse setting. From the juicy sweetness of tomatoes to the refreshing crunch of cucumbers, get ready to embark on a flavorful journey that promises to elevate your homegrown culinary experience. Let's roll up our sleeves and dig into the world of greenhouse vegetables!



Tomatoes are undoubtedly one of the most popular greenhouse crops, and for good reason. With a plethora of tomato varieties specially bred for greenhouse cultivation, enthusiasts can enjoy a bountiful harvest of juicy, flavorful fruits. Some top choices include 'Sungold,' 'Brandywine,' and 'Cherry Bomb.' To ensure successful tomato cultivation, maintain a temperature range of 21-27°C, provide ample sunlight, and support the plants with stakes or trellises.



Cucumbers thrive in the warm, humid environment of a greenhouse, making them an excellent choice for indoor gardening. Varieties like 'Marketmore' and 'Straight Eight' are well-suited to greenhouse conditions, producing crisp, refreshing fruits throughout the growing season. To maximise cucumber yield, keep the greenhouse temperature around 24-29°C, provide consistent moisture, and trellis the vines for optimal growth.



Capsicum are another excellent choice for beginners diving into greenhouse gardening. With their vibrant colors and sweet flavors, capsicum adds a delightful touch to salads, stir-fries, and other dishes. Varieties like 'California Wonder' and 'Orange Sun' thrive in the controlled environment of a greenhouse, producing abundant yields. Maintain a temperature range of 21-27°C and provide ample sunlight for optimal growth.


Welcome to the aromatic world of herbs in our greenhouse adventure! In this section, we're diving into a fragrant journey where bold flavors and delightful scents take center stage. From zesty basil to calming lavender, get ready to explore a lush landscape of greenhouse herbs. Let's uncover the secret ingredients to elevate your dishes and delight your senses!



Basil is a versatile herb that flourishes in the controlled environment of a greenhouse. Varieties such as 'Genovese' and 'Sweet Thai' are popular choices for indoor cultivation, offering aromatic leaves that enhance a variety of culinary dishes. To ensure robust basil plants, maintain a temperature range of 18-29°C, provide adequate sunlight, and pinch off flower buds to encourage continuous leaf production.



Rosemary is another herb that thrives in greenhouse conditions, thanks to its preference for well-drained soil and ample sunlight. Varieties like 'Arp' and 'Tuscan Blue' are well-suited to greenhouse cultivation, offering fragrant foliage and delicate blue flowers. To cultivate healthy rosemary plants, ensure proper drainage, maintain a temperature range of 60-80°F (16-27°C), and avoid overwatering.



Mint is a refreshing herb that's easy to grow and adds a burst of flavor to any dish or drink. With its vibrant green leaves and invigorating aroma, mint brings a touch of freshness to salads, cocktails, and teas. Varieties like 'Spearmint' and 'Peppermint' thrive in the controlled environment of a greenhouse. Keep the greenhouse temperature between 18-24°C and provide consistent watering to ensure optimal growth.


Get ready to tantalize your taste buds as we delve into the world of greenhouse fruits! In this section, we'll explore a delicious array of delights, including tangy limes, juicy strawberries, and plump blueberries. Whether you're craving a burst of citrusy zest, the sweet taste of summer berries, or a refreshing treat, your greenhouse garden is about to become a fruit-lover's paradise. Let's dive in and discover the sweet and zesty rewards that await in your very own greenhouse oasis!



Strawberries are a delightful addition to any greenhouse garden, providing sweet, juicy fruits for fresh eating or culinary purposes. Varieties such as 'Albion' and 'Seascape' are well-suited to greenhouse cultivation, offering an abundance of berries throughout the growing season. To maximise strawberry yield, maintain a temperature range of 16-27°C, provide ample sunlight, and use raised beds or hanging baskets for optimal growing conditions.



Blueberries are undoubtedly a sweet treat that thrives in the sheltered environment of a greenhouse. With varieties like 'Bluecrop' and 'Patriot,' greenhouse enthusiasts can enjoy a plentiful harvest of plump, flavorful berries throughout the growing season. To ensure successful blueberry cultivation, maintain a slightly acidic soil pH between 4.5 and 5.5, provide ample sunlight, and keep the soil consistently moist.



Limes are undoubtedly a zesty addition to any greenhouse garden, offering a burst of citrusy flavor and versatility in culinary creations. With varieties like 'Bearss' and 'Key' limes, greenhouse enthusiasts can enjoy a plentiful harvest of tangy fruits year-round. To ensure successful lime cultivation, maintain a temperature range of 24-29°C, provide ample sunlight, and keep the soil evenly moist.


Welcome to the enchanting world of greenhouse flowers! In this section, we'll explore a vibrant array of blooms that are sure to add colour, fragrance, and beauty to your greenhouse sanctuary. From delicate petals to intoxicating scents, these flowers will transform your space into a floral paradise. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, join us as we discover the joys of cultivating gorgeous blooms in your very own greenhouse. Let's dive in and surround ourselves with nature's most exquisite creations!



Orchids are prized for their exquisite beauty and graceful blooms, making them a coveted addition to any greenhouse collection. Varieties such as Phalaenopsis and Cattleya thrive in the warm, humid conditions of a greenhouse, producing stunning flowers in an array of colors and patterns. To cultivate thriving orchids, maintain a temperature range of 16-27°C, provide filtered sunlight, and ensure adequate humidity levels.



Geraniums are beloved for their vibrant blooms and aromatic foliage, making them a popular choice for greenhouse gardening. Varieties such as 'Zonal' and 'Ivy' geraniums are well-suited to greenhouse conditions, offering a riot of colour throughout the growing season. To cultivate healthy geranium plants, maintain a temperature range of 18-24°C, provide ample sunlight, and water them thoroughly but allow the soil to dry out between waterings.



Lavender is renowned for its heavenly scent and delicate beauty, making it a perfect choice for your greenhouse retreat. With its soothing aroma and elegant purple blooms, lavender adds a touch of tranquility and charm to any space. Varieties like 'English Lavender' and 'French Lavender' thrive in the controlled environment of a greenhouse, producing abundant flowers that can be harvested for their aromatic oils or simply enjoyed for their visual appeal.

Closing Thoughts

Greenhouse gardening opens up a world of possibilities, allowing you to cultivate a diverse range of plants, from vegetables and herbs to fruits and flowers. With a controlled environment tailored to each plant's specific needs, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest and vibrant blooms year-round. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting out, investing in a greenhouse is a rewarding journey into the joys of indoor gardening.

Previous article How Greenhouses Work | A Peek Behind the Panes

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